User-guide: Information, Activities, and Resources


Bringing your training in alignment with the ISO Plain Language Standard will ensure your potential students know you are compliant with the modern standard and they will be aligned with future RFP requirements and unlock new ISO-compliant opportunities.

Let me explain the components of the course materials. You will not receive a copy of the finalized standard but must purchase it if you will need it when doing training yourself.

This course material will provide you information that will serve the training--even without the copyright material.

Principles Each unit begins with indicating which elements of the standard apply to a specific unit. The Plain Language Standard is organized around 4 principles but learning science suggests to me a different organization is appropriate for training.

Activity means a learning activity for you that you might also use with your own trainees.

TLDR items are chapters from Plain Language in Plain English, which I have removed from publication. If you feel you need more information on a topic, read that material. I don't expect you to read it if you feel you have a good grasp of the topic already.

Resources are materials that you can read to

  • get more information or
  • read another point of view than mine or
  • use the material to your own training.

Supplementary reading is similar to Resources. It is material that is relevant to the topic and expresses another point of view.

Try it yourself offers you suggestions for how to make training sticky including activities.

Don't get stuck or frustrated! Support is always available from Cheryl. Want to chat? Schedule a meet

Plain Language is honest, legal, ethical communication. No code of ethics yet exists for plain language practitioners. So let's have a look at the IABC Code of Ethics.

The final units of this course provide information on teaching adults and walk you through creating your training agenda.

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