User-guide: Information, Activities, and Resources


This course prepares you for writing in compliance with the modern standard. You can then align with documents that require compliance with ISO ... and unlock new ISO-compliant opportunities.,. In future RFP requirements and others may require this of you.

Let me explain the components of the course materials. I will summarize the requirements of the standard. You will not receive a copy of the ISO standard but must purchase it if you will need it later.

Principles Each unit begins with indicating which elements of the standard apply to what we cover in a specific unit. The Plain Language Standard is organized around 4 principles but I have broken these out and reshuffled for this course.

Activity means a learning activity for you.

TLDR items are chapters from Plain Language in Plain English, which I have removed from publication. If you feel you need more information on a topic, read that material. I don't expect you to read it if you feel you have a good grasp of the topic already.

Resources are materials that you can read to

  • get more information or
  • read another perspective than mine.

Supplementary reading is similar to Resources. It is material that is relevant to the topic and expresses another point of view.

Help is at hand

Contact me anytime at [email protected]

Plain Language is honest, legal, ethical communication. No code of ethics yet exists for plain language practitioners. So let's have a look at the IABC Code of Ethics.

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